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Data Access:
Several on-going projects are using the CAMEL simulations. If you would like to make use of them for your research, please fill up this form. Notice that since the simulations are not publicly available yet, a data usage policy applies. Please reach out to us if you have questions. Details on how to access the data from the Flatiron & Princeton clusters can be found here.
CAMELS contains 4,233 simulations: 1,092 run with the Arepo/IllustrisTNG code/model and 1,092 with GIZMO/SIMBA. For each simulation, there is a N-body counterpart with the same cosmology and value of the initial random seed. The simulations vary cosmology (Omega_m and sigma_8), astrophysics (2 supernova and 2 AGN parameters), and the initial random seed. The values of the parameters of each simulation can be found here. CAMELS contains 144,840 full snapshots, together with their halo/subhalo catalogues. More than 200 Terabytes of data have been saved. 
Each simulation contains 34 snapshots (redshift list). The snapshots are saved as single hdf5 files. The different blocks included in the files can be read from the terminal with this command:
>>> h5ls -r IllustrisTNG/0/snap_023.hdf5
A particular block can be read in python as e.g.:
import h5py
f = h5py.File(‘SIMBA/0/snap_033.hdf5’, ‘r')
pos_gas = f['/PartType0/Coordinates’][:]/1e3 #gas positions in Mpc/h
For further details on the different blocks stored in the snapshots see here.
Halo/subhalo catalogues:
CAMELS provides SUBFIND catalogues for each snapshot. The format of the files is just a single hdf5 file, whose blocks can be read from the terminal as:
>>> h5ls -r SIMBA/234/fof_subhalo_tab_011.hdf5
A particular block can be read in python as e.g.:
import h5py
f = h5py.File('IllustrisTNG/578/fof_subhalo_tab_033.hdf5’, ‘r')
stellar_masses = f['/Subhalo/SubhaloMassType’][:,4]*1e10 #subhalo stellar mass in Msun/h
For further details on the different blocks stored in the snapshots see here.
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